Chapter 1: Why marketing, promotion & distribution

Image of chapter 1This chapter provides a brief introduction to what is meant by Marketing, Promotion, Distribution and Retail.

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Chapter 2: Defining your audience

Image of chapter 2

In order to market and promote yourself, your act or your product, you will firstly need to work out who your audience is…

You may be trying to target record labels. promoters, music publishers, managers or agents.

You may be trying to target the general public by releasing and/or performing your own music.

If your time and finances are both an issue, you will have to concentrate on finding the right professionals and the right audience for your event or product. As a professional in the music industry, you will not move forward unless you do these things.

This chapter helps you to focus on the key people and organisations you need to target in the music industry, and the methods you need to employ to find them.

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Chapter 3: Creating and marketing your package

Image of chapter 3

If you are hoping to create a buzz, you need to be well prepared. That preparation includes the live aspects of being able to perform a great show and win over audiences. It also means developing a great package, doing some research and developing a strategy to market yourself to the music industry and to the public.

Without marketing and promotion, no one will ever know that you exist. This is, in effect, a guide to self-marketing and promotion.

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Chapter 4: Promotions

Image of chapter 4Promotion is the activity which has been planned as part of your overall marketing strategy. For example, promoting a record release involves a wide range of activity in order to bring the artist to the attention of the public and of course in order to sell recordings!

If you are a musician, writer, DJ, or in a band, you will at some point be promoting your act. If you intend to play gigs or approach professionals in the music industry you will also have to promote yourself in some way. In this chapter we will look at  examples of how the industry promotes an artist and its product, including using the media, press and PR.

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Chapter 5: Distribution

Image of chapter 4Distribution is the means by which a product is delivered to the consumer.

Physical products such as CD’s, records and DVD’s, have to be physically distributed to the customer, either through retails outlets (shops) or by other means such as mail order. Nowadays we also have non-physical products such as MP3 files, which can be distributed electronically via the internet or email.

As an artist intending to release product, you will need some form of distribution. In other words, you will need a method for getting your product to the customer. This chapter outlines what is involved in the process and factors that contribute to the success or failure of a release.

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Chapter 6: Retail

Image of chapter 4

Retail is the process of selling product to the end consumer. In the recorded music industry, retailers range from small record shops and specialist stores, to multiple chains such as Virgin, HMV, Woolworth, Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury. There are also digital retailers such as Napster and itunes.

As a musician or DJ, you may hope to sell your recordings and other products in the future. Apart from selling to your friends and your fans at gigs, you might need the higher profile of selling them via a retailer. This chapter explains much of the 'jargon' involved in the process of retailing a music product.

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